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Under the African Sky


Building Beyond Borders Kitale, Kenya is a charitable organization devoted to changing the lives of those in need in Kitale, Kenya.  Larry and Francine are running the projects on the ground in Kitale. It is supporting orphaned children by providing food, education, and loving foster-homes.  It is providing a free health clinic with both conventional and natural therapies, as well as medical outreaches to remote villages. It also supports water projects to fix wells around Kitale to provide clean drinking water.

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Shortly after the presidential election on December 27th 2007, Kenya plummeted into a political, economic and humanitarian crisis. This unrest captured our attention and opened the door for us to get involved in protecting some of these children and meeting their needs.
We initially adopted a rescue center for children, purchasing land and buildings, to take care of the needs of 32 kids. In 2014 we came to realize that even with all the benefits of an orphanage style home, the home was incapable of offering all the social skills needed to prepare a child for the day he/she leaves.
We found creative ways of placing children who had any relatives back into that family setting, and for those with no trace of family, we found homes that with our help could adopt these children and raise them as their own. We now are supporting our children in eleven different homes, which offer them a family setting, someone to call mom and dad, and a sense of identity. This also allows for a home after graduating, a home to return for Christmas and a heritage to eventually bring their own children home to.
Meanwhile, our earlier feeble attempts to bring medical healing to the street boys has evolved into a fully staffed medical clinic where we treat over 350 people each month, the clinic also offers counseling, community development, and eyeglasses, all absolutely free.
The strength of our work in Kenya is due to our networking with organizations and foundations such as Hope for the Nations, The Smile Exchange, Be A Hero, and Heart of Help, the Felson, and Gloria Di Dio Foundation. There is a lot more we can do together than apart.

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Larry + Francine Carruthers


Larry  and Francine have played an important role with Building Beyond Borders missions for the past 12 years. Larry has chaired the Mission Committee, served on many fields and taken teams on mission trips in several countries around the world, recently leading teams into Africa. Even though he networks with many of the Building Beyond Borders projects and field reps, his primary role is establishing and developing projects in Africa.
Their compassion for orphans and street children, keep them focused on the task of raising both, awareness and funds. They encourages businesses, foundations, organizations, and individuals to get involved in the lives of destitute children in east Africa.
Larry’s role requires him to stay in continual contact, building stronger relationships and trust with our national partners on the ground. Larry and Francine, have been living in Kitale since 2011, overseeing all their many projects the community, and housing volunteers They have a love and passion for Kenya, and the people there and thank you very much for you support, donations, love and prayers in their work there.

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Serving the People of Kitale

Building Beyond Borders, Kenya provides quality, long-term solutions for pressing issues affecting Kitale and Kenya.

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Orphaned Children

One of the main reasons Building Beyond Borders Kitale, Kenya was founded in 2011, when Larry and Francine first came to Kitale to set up care for nearly 30 children from a failed orphanage.  They provide homes in the community for them, provided food, clothing, and education, and found sponsors to support each child they assessed that needed their help.This work is changing the lives of so many young children.


Free Healthcare

One of our main causes here at Building Beyond Borders Kitale, Kenya is providing health care to those who can't afford any care.  We offer both conventional and natural treatments to those in need both locally and in remote areas on outreaches.  Without this clinic, many simply would not have any care at all.


Water projects

Again, as Larry and Francine live in Kitale full time, it is very easy to see the needs of the locals. One is to ensure that the most vulnerable and at-risk groups can have clean and safe drinking water. With your generous donations and volunteering efforts, they are continuing to work on fixing wells in the surrounding areas to services thousands of people and tens of thousands of cattle.

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“No one has ever become poor by giving.”

- Anne Frank

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